
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 1: Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack

I'm not trying to be healthy on purpose, but this is how day 1 is panning out to be. I started with my usual yogurt and piece of fruit, and then had a nice chef salad with lots of cucumbers for lunch. I splurged and had Ken's Steak House Creamy Balsamic as a dressing, and it was delicious! I'm also loving the new "mini" coke products, even though they are pricer than a normal sized coke (?). Today I opted for Sprite. I guess I was in a citrus-y mood today because I rounded out lunch with two Cuties, and a tangerine Dum-Dum that I got at the bank. Now what's for dinner? Always the question of the day...

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